Friday, August 1, 2008

The Trials and Tribulations of Going Green: A Simple Guide to Environmental Consciousness

So when did "Going Green" become the new missionary position? 

My friend Carlos and I discuss this new focus of popular culture every now and then, and since I have been devoid of topic and/or words lately, I was finally influenced to put thoughts to words to this computer screen. I may not know everything about this lifestyle (I'm no Natalie Portman), but some topics serve discussion well. Going Green can be easy, simple, and even rewarding, but sometimes the idea of being environmentally friendly can be misconstrued as political nonsense or even economically destructive; however, the purpose of this particular post is to explore all sides of this intermingled and sometimes difficult argument. 

Maybe everyone started really considering this whole "Going Green" phenomenon after Al Gore essentially freaked out the nation with his liberal guffaw of a documentary. Essentially, I was skeptical because I don't give a fuck about Al Gore or Hollywood liberalism, and the combination of two make my insides hurt; however, despite my induced cirrhosis, Al Gore was at least trying to say something. I'm assuming Gore wants us to consider the dying Polar Bears and how Katrina was just a result of our pathetic and wasteful lifestyles - he was trying to shock us, but there's so much more to this lifestyle (or trend, depending how you look at it) than instilling fear into your audience and winning an award for it: he actually cares about this topic.

I think most Americans consider the act of Going Green to be financially painful and contrived. The majority of Americans, especially the population of Houston, enjoy their luxury vehicles and their washing machines and getting their daily water values from a convenient plastic bottle; fuck, I know I do. Humans are very set in their ways and ultimately resist change unless they can control any possible variables themselves; however, if asked to give up their Lexus for a Schwinn 10 Speed, I'm sure the only response heard would either be laughter or a shameless "No, thank you."

I'm not any better: I like to leave all my appliances plugged in for convenience, my fan runs all day and night, my fridge is stocked with bottled water, and I have yet to switch out all my lightbulbs to those really cute, swirly ones. Maybe if I had enough money to attach a solar panel to the top of my head, so I can be constantly reminded of how many helpless Polar Bears aren't dying out there in the freezing Arctic waters, I would be a better citizen of the Earth's green community. 

All in all, though, it's all relative. I could look at the one of two ways: laugh at the "new" idea of being more environmentally conscious and all of the contrived publicity it receives, or genuinely understand the true nebulae of a such an argument and accept the inner guidelines into my everyday life. Considering these two outcomes, I'm going to choose Answer B, aka "the latter," and move on.

Sometimes, when confronted with the idea of going completely Green, all I can see in my mind is a 5x10 house with a composting toilet and no air conditioning (which is horrible) because being complete in something as drastic as this is almost unattainable. As prior mentioned, I make no apologies for the small conveniences I'm afforded in life, but there are also small things I can do to change the way I live and the impact I have on my environment. Though I'm only one person, I could be that tiny voice in the crowd screaming for change; I could be like a Ghandi pursuing reverent social change and selfless restitution. Maybe this small, yet relatable discussion on environmental consciousness will help you. I'm not one to be esoteric about my lifestyle and contend that I am better than you, because I'm not - I'm just as guilty as anyone else.

As part of writing this post, I Googled "going green" in order to find some articles (and some simple help) addressing this subject. I soon came across this website: 10 Ways to Go Green and Save Green - not only is it a simple, 10 Step resolution to a complicated and drawn out argument, but it's also economically conscious, which is something everyone can be happy about. The most interesting product or tool mentioned on this list is the Smart Power Strip. Ranging from $27 to $32, this intelligent surge protector serves the earth and your wallet well. Since I like to leave my electronics plugged in, this product would definitely suit my needs. Whenever the plugs senses an item has been turned off, say a computer or a television, it turns off any other "phantom loads -" this includes computer monitors, speakers, DVD players, gaming systems and cable boxes. The initial device, like the television itself or the computer tower, stays "on," essentially, and when you go to power up your computer or switch on your favorite show, the other products attached with such acts return. So, you don't have to worry about leaving all those miscellaneous electronics plugged in 24/7/365 because this little guy will do all the work for you. Not only will this reduce hefty carbon emissions, but it definitely won't break the bank.

There other things you can do to go green without spending a single dime; one of these being recycling. Separating out your trash may be more time consuming than your regular routine, but it can also save you in the end. Sometimes, even aluminum cans can be recycled at local kiosks for a cash return. Paper and plastic can be easily recycled at the right locations with a little research, and even food can be returned to the earth in the form of a compost pile in your backyard. Most people might assume this is really smelly and/or unsanitary, but it not only helps to keep your house waste free, but can also be used to fertilize your garden or even your neighbors' garden. Hell, you may get to a point where you don't even own a trash can anymore and even earn a little cash money in the process.

So, maybe Going Green isn't as hard as some people (or I, really) thought. There are simple and inexpensive solutions to this issue. At times, its importance is shoved into our faces in an abrasive and sometimes off-putting way, but if we as a community can boil down its persona to an accessible entity, perhaps more progress can be made.

I would like to take this time to thank my friend Carlos Andres for helping me write this post. He's the real idea man here, I just have an internet connection. Also, feel free to comment, e-mail me, or teepee my suburban home. Active discussion is incredibly encourage and appreciated, so please, comment below.


Anonymous said...

Very scary the world that we live in and the way that people take these issues so lightly - it seems everyone thinks it is everyone elses problem. Nature can always regenerate, but at some point the madness has to stop. By 2050 the population will have doubled what it is now, to 12 billion. Eventually, everyone will realise the worth of preserving natural resources for future generations.

I was just reading something about blue-green algae yesterday and a possible cure There is some wonderful free technology already known and available, which can turn this planet around within a decade; problem is, that the oil moguls have most of the patents in locked safes, waiting for the oil to run out. [Google people like Tesla for starters on free energy]. Including a cure for this algae, I heard its caused from all the detergents and tissue paper that doesn't quite break down...?

But that's all good anyway, because we'll be going nuclear [desalination] and we'll be drinking recycled sewerage like the Fremen in Dune. What won't be, is cutting down every tree, because I'm not sure the earth can breathe then? I'm investigating the possibility at the moment too. What if every tree were cut down ... would we all asphyxiate?

posirich said...

a decent read, and i'm glad you've come to the conclusion that you can "go green" to an extent. However, stop writing above yourself. Some of it seems forced and it doesn't fit. (expel to my coworkers is an example) Like you said, it just becomes word vomit.
Hope you enjoyed yourself at HH in atx., that was a great show.